Rustam changed their profile picture 06/27/2015
Rustam changed their profile picture 06/23/2015
Rustam's profile was updated 04/22/2015
Rustam and are now friends 04/18/2015
Atjeh's profile was updated 04/18/2015
Rustam's profile was updated 04/18/2015
Lyana's profile was updated 04/18/2015
Rustam and Lyana are now friends 04/18/2015
Rustam and Atjeh are now friends 04/18/2015
Rustam became a registered member 04/18/2015
Atjeh wrote a new post 04/01/2015
Ik typ heel groot
atjeh asked a new question 04/01/2015
Hallo ola hello bonjour.
atjehus non dubibat.
atjeh uploaded a new picture: image.jpg 03/15/2015
Atjeh posted an update 03/08/2015
Atjeh posted an update 03/08/2015
Atjeh wrote a new post 02/21/2015
Hexoplex uploaded a new picture: cake_101 09/21/2014
Lyana changed their profile picture 09/21/2014
Lyana became a registered member 09/21/2014
Atjeh wrote a new post 01/16/2013
NSVV E1 vs Spartaan ’20 E2 1-5 11 januari 2013
Vandaag spelen we de tweede keer tegen NSVV en de vorige wedstrijd hadden we 3-1 gewonnen en verwachten een moeilijke tegenstander. De eerste helft begint en
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